Sgt. Scott Moore Talks Marine Corps Ball Date With Mila Kunis

November 22, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Sgt. Scott Moore has spoken to the media about his Marine Corps ball date with Mila Kunis (she was put on the spot by co-star Justin Timberlake, while they were promoting a movie together).

Moore admitted, right after the video went viral, that he only made the video on a bet. He seemed genuine, if oddly-ambivalent about the whole thing. At least, his was the only video that wasn’t creepy. Right after Moore made his video,  Cpl Kelsey DeSantis goaded Justin Timberlake into a date (where he moped like someone had killed his cat that morning, only to go home and write an overlong, pandering blog about how great his night was).

Since then, it’s degenerated and lots of random people, of indeterminate mental health, have been begging celebrities (some of whom have SOs making this both annoying and inappropriate), to go on a date. The latest person is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who’s probably going to have to go out on a date with a misguided girl who made a video for him. She claimed that, living with cancer, she related to his 50/ 50 character. Which is disingenuous, since it’s written about a real person of around the same age… using her own logic, she should have asked out the real survivor, not the guy who played him.

Anyway, Moore and Kunis attended the event together in North Carolina and he’s being very sweet, humble and complimentary about the whole thing.  He told Good Morning America: “[She exceed] my expectations… It was a blast. It was a great time. [She’s] really just a normal girl who’s very interested to learn about our history and our traditions.”

There was no good night kiss, mercifully, but he told GMA: “[She] promised to keep in touch.”

Moore told CBS’ Early Show: “This uniform is not as mobile as you might think [for dancing]… She had a lot of questions about my uniform and what to [expect] as far as the ceremony. And I explained to her that this year was extremely important to us and memorable to us because of the seven Marines and sailors we lost during our deployment. It was very important to express that to her… It was a lot to take in for her, I’m sure, but I hope I did a good job.”

DeSantis told GMA of last weekend’s date with Timberlake: “He was a complete gentleman.”

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