Seal Divorce Interviews: Is He Aggressive, Controlling, To Blame?

January 24, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Seal is currently shilling some album that’s getting publicity money can’t buy because everyone wants to talk about his separation from Heidi Klum.

This is an interesting one, because the divorce rumours came before the confirmation of separation. And the divorce was denied by sources who later admitted they had no idea the marital problems were so bad.

There’s only been one consistent factoid: that Seal is to blame for the split, something he is able to address with today’s interviews.

First, he appeared with Tavis Smiley on PBS. Having asked permission to segue, Smiley questioned whether the split would devolve into nasty mud-slinging. “[The break-up isn’t nasty] we’re just not those kind of people,” replied Seal. “What one has to do in this situation is to remain civil, to retain one’s dignity, to be professional, and to understand that we are not the only people on this planet that are going through this.”

In a segment taped Monday, that aired today, the singer appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show where he explained why he still wore his wedding ring:

“I think we were shocked too. You go into these things with the greatest intentions when you say ‘I do’ and you say ’till death do us part,’ those vows hold value. They are not just words. These things happen.”

“You try and you work through it and the thing that you quickly realize when you are married, and you become a parent, you do the best that you can. It makes you actually appreciate your parents a lot more.”

“[Heidi is] still, in my opinion, the most wonderful woman in the world. Yes, I am still wearing my ring [after] eight wonderful years. Just because we have decided to separate doesn’t necessarily mean you take off your ring and you’re no longer connected to that person. We will be connected in many ways until the rest of our lives… though our children and also through this tremendous admiration, respect and love that we have for each other.”

“Will we wear the ring for the rest of our lives? Who knows? But right now it feels really comfortable on my hand so I have no intentions of taking it off anytime soon.” – via RadarOnline. were first to report that Klum tired of Seal’s anger issues.

Today, claims that Seal is generally a negative, angry, crappy, nasty, spiteful, hateful, brute who treats everyone poorly. This is speculator, only the word of sources, but it jives with the rest of today’s reports.

Although their split was shocking, sources say that Seal was a “diva” who “treated people poorly”, so Heidi Klum left to take her children away from his negativity!

“Heidi’s first priority has always been her marriage, but she felt like Seal wasn’t meeting her halfway,” a source tells exclusively. “She had to take drastic measures to show Seal she wouldn’t put up with his behavior anymore. Raising happy and healthy kids is now her number one priority!”

The source described Seal as having “entitlement” issues and an explosive temper.

For example, she said that Seal has a room at home full of vintage cameras, and if anyone goes inside he goes “ballistic”. However, like we reported earlier, their separation doesn’t necessarily mean divorce. The source says the threat alone may be enough to convince Seal to get help with his anger issues.

“I could see Heidi threatening Seal with a divorce because he thought she would NEVER do such a thing. This may push Seal to finally get the help he needs to deal with his temper in a more constructive manner,” revealed the source. – via HollywoodLife.

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