Shahs Of Sunset: Lilly Ghalichi Says Sorry For Making A Joke About AIDS

On this week’s episode of Shahs Of Sunset the new character, Lilly Ghalichi a.k.a. “Persian Barbie,” used the show to promote a line of swimwear for which she introduced the portmanteau ”swim-gerie.” Basically, sexy swimwear that looks like underwear and may as well be underwear but it won’t fall apart in the water.

Speaking with a staff member while trying pieces on a fit model, Ghalichi jokes that she doesn’t want to touch a bathing suit that’s back from being on loan because it may have come back soiled. Which is the risk with any loaned clothing (for example, sweat stains or cigarette burns on expensive gowns).

Ghalichi was particularly reluctant though, because this suit bottom looked like it had been stained. She quipped: “There’s crotch juice!” And then she made a joke about the suit’s removable liners being covered with AIDS.

The insensitive “joke” sent fans into a tailspin of apoplexy and they expressed their disgust to Bravo. Immediately after which, Ghalichi issued an apology.

First off, I would like to apologize to everyone for the inaccurate and unacceptable joke. AIDS is a very serious disease and there is nothing funny about it.

Secondly, I am so ashamed that I of all people made a comment to further the stigma of AIDS. Clearly I am intelligent enough to know that you cannot spread AIDS via a soiled swimsuit, however I was not intelligent at all at that moment to make a joke about it. What I was intending to allude to were certain STDS or infections, which for example you 100% can spread crabs from a soiled swimsuit. AIDS, however, is not transmittable via a soiled swimsuit and I am mortified with myself for making a joke that implies it can be.

I am not a perfect person, and having cameras follow you around 24-7 is difficult. We all make inappropriate jokes and say things we shouldn’t have in our private moments. The difference is my life is exposed to the world; I don’t have private moments. Because of this, I should be held to a higher standard, and I truly do apologize for what I said. It is inexcusable.

To anyone struggling with the disease, or that may have family or friends fighting the disease, I am the most sorry to you. I am a very loving person and I hope anyone offended by the comment will find it in their heart to forgive me and give me another chance. I am going to contact the AIDS Awareness Society to try and make a statement with them letting everyone know how inaccurate and unacceptable my joke was. In my heart I want nothing more than to help destroy the ridiculous stigmas associated with HIV and AIDS.

I apologize to everyone for my ridiculous joke, and I hope one day I can use my platform to help AIDS Awareness. – via Reality Tea.

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