Simon Cowell And Lauren Silverman Speak Out On Baby News, Her Divorce From Simon’s Pal

August 2, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Simon Cowell is currently expecting his first child with Lauren Silverman, the estranged wife of his former friend. While it was first reported that the pair had struck up a romance after Silverman’s marriage went south, her husband’s divorce documents seemed to hint at otherwise. In the filing, which was made about two weeks ago in New York, Silverman’s husband accuses her of adultery, citing Cowell as her mate and the co-respondent.

Things are certainly getting ugly and now, after days of silence regarding the pregnancy and divorce, Cowell and Silverman are speaking out, Cowell during a TCA tour event for The X-Factor and Silverman with a statement to press.

“Unfortunately, I have to keep this for the moment private. It’s just one of those things,” Cowell explained during yesterday’s event. ”I would love to [talk], but I have to respect a lot of people’s feelings right now. There a lot of things I will eventually clear up when the time is right, but I really have to be sensitive because there’s a lot of people’s feelings involved here.”

Silverman echoed Cowell’s statement, also wanting to keep their relationship and baby news to themselves as to avoid causing any unecessary damage to her family, specifically her 7-year-old son. ”I am committed to sorting things out with Andrew as amicably as possible to ensure the well-being of our son,” she states. “I would hope for some space and privacy in order to work through this.”

Silverman’s husband released a statement this morning as well. It read, “My top priority is protecting my 7-year-old son while working to resolve all outstanding issues with my wife. Hopefully people can respect the interest of our child during this process.”

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