Snooki No Make-Up Twitter Photo: Snooki Better Before Or After?
January 19, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Snooki invested some of her Jersey Shore money in the industrial tools necessary to scrape away encrusted layers of tanner/ cosmetics/lash glue/bodily fluids. And here’s the 24-year-old with a relatively clean face.
Honestly, it’s not 100% clear whether this is completely without make-up, although Snooki claims so with the caption: “No make up day 🙂 and IDC :)”
The thread about the image opines Snooki is wearing natural/ light make-up, as in only one layer, but she’s wearing something. At the very least, unless she glossed her lips with pickle juice, she’s wearing some kind of lip gloss. And perhaps something to even out her complexion. Meh, she looks… thin. And pretty. And pale. In a good way.
For comparison, below are photos of Snooki from December 31, 2011. Does Snooki look better before or after?