Star, Us Weekly, ITW Covers: Kate Middleton Is Pregnant (She Isn’t)

November 16, 2011 by Hollywoodite

This week’s tabloids must have given their creative fiction dept. the week off. Or perhaps they started their festive drinking a few weeks early. As, in lieu of juicy enough Kardashian news to put on the cover, three of the big weeklies have put Kate Middleton’s fictional pregnancy on the cover. These are the same tabloids who declared her pregnant in September. And yet, according to In Touch Weekly, she’s somehow only six-weeks pregnant. See how that works?

* Let’s start with Star, the tabloid who declared Middleton pregnant with twins in early September. They fabricated a pregnancy, and passed it off as an official confirmation with the headline “Official Announcement: Kate Middleton Pregnant With Twins! A boy and a girl, now she’s struggling to gain weight.” It was BS, utter fiction. She wasn’t pregnant then. She isn’t pregnant now. But this week’s Star cover reads “Exclusive: Frantic Fight To Save The Baby… Pregnant Kate Collapses: Ambulance called after William finds her on the floor.” Star is sticking with this twins thing… ITW declare her SIX-WEEKS pregnant, Star first mentioned a pregnancy 10-WEEKS ago. Ugh.

* Us Weekly’s lies are less-bold, delcaring simply “William & Kate: Ready For Baby.” Saying she wants a boy and a girl, following Star’s lead.

In February, Prince William is leaving for the Falkland Islands for six weeks, training with the Royal Air Force. Since he and Kate “don’t want a pregnancy to distract from next spring’s four-day countrywide celebration of the queen’s 60 years on the throne,” they are planning their baby-making carefully. The Diamond Jubilee is over by June, and “there is a window to break the news.” A “longtime confidant” claims: “Kate’s always planned things in her life meticulously. It’s impossible she hasn’t penciled in the right time for having a baby.” – via Jezebel.

* ITW also claim she’s not far along, explaining away her lack of bump. Again, she’s not pregnant. She made the mistake of touching her stomach.

“Kate is around six weeks pregnant,” the magazine claims. And you can blame the queen, who “let Kate know she wanted an heir ASAP, so she’d still be young enough to enjoy a baby.”

Here’s how we know she’s knocked up: On November 2, during a trip to Denmark, the Duchess “complained of nausea, avoided alcohol, couldn’t stomach fish and seemed to be keeping a wonderful secret.”

“She had an unmistakable glow about her,” a source says…

Kate had a plastic container of sliced bananas in her bag and “discretely munched on them” during an event… Kate and William are hoping the kid will be born in June to coincide with the queen’s jubilee festivities. And! They have some names picked out. Edward, Philip or Michael, if it is a boy, and Alice or Rose for a girl. – via Jezebel.


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