Taylor Lautner Gay “Coming Out” People Magazine Cover Is A Hoax

December 28, 2011 by Hollywoodite

On Monday, a People Magazine cover with a purported exclusive from Taylor Lautnter started to circulate on Twitter, seemingly believed by those who don’t know how to use Google.com or People.com.

The image, made in Photoshop, showed Lautner in an oddly-chosen pose that wouldn’t have been used in this type of reveal (it’s all close-ups and comfy sweaters/ close-ups of smiling faces etc. for this type of thing). Down the side of the fake cover is a sidebar from the May 2006 issue of the same magazine. The headline, fabricated, reads: “Exclusive: Taylor Lautner OUT & PROUD, tired of rumours, the Twilight star opens up about his decision to finally come out, ‘I’m more liberated and happier than I’ve ever been.’”

Except, never happened. He didn’t come out as gay. It’s a random photo, and old sidebar, made-up quotes, and another example of people posting things without checking their verisimilitude or veracity. In any case, his rep confirmed it’s fake, telling GossipCop.com: “[It is] absolutely fake.”


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