The Bachelor Season 17 Episode Nine Recap: Part Two

February 26, 2013 by Coco Liberty

Lastly, Catherine has the most normal date of them all. Sean and her go on a boat ride while cuddling and discussing real issues. They don’t dwell on the fantasy and instead focus on important questions. Catherine finally has time to clear up things about her hometown date. She acknowledges that being in a serious relationship taught her what she was willing to do for someone. With her sisters, she doesn’t talk about relationships because of their biased opinions and would rather talk to her best friend about them. Catherine says that for the last three-and-a-half years she wasn’t open and this has been the first time someone has accepted her for who she is. Sean says that he loves her weirdness, but knows that she can also be serious. Sean values a partner who he can be best friends with but also be romantic and start a life together with. At dinner, he asks her if she could move to Dallas? She says that she would be more than willing to move to Dallas. Catherine says that it was hard for her to make all the moves while on the show and that she normally likes traditional relationships. Well then why is she on The Bachelor? Catherine is the only girl who is seriously nervous about the Fantasy Suite. Did she not get the memo that nothing happens in the Fantasy Suite with Sean? He’s not that type of guy anymore. She says she wants to be seen as a lady and not seen like that (i.e. promiscuous). He tells her that he could see her as his wife so we know she’ll get a rose.

Before the Rose Ceremony, Sean is shown videos of all three girls, which is supposed to help him make his choice. In Lindsay’s video, she outlines their experiences and when she fell in love with him looking at the stars. She says that she met him in a wedding dress and maybe she’ll be in one again with him. Catherine says that Sean’s kisses give her the wiggles and that she couldn’t imagine a hunk like him liking her for who she is. AshLee says that she has had the most amazing time with Sean. Ever since she was young, she built this wall and Sean’s been able to get through. She cries half way through the video and at this point scares Sean. She says, “I can’t imagine not having you as a partner in my life. Together, we are whole. I know that I am no longer broken and ultimately for that I will always love you.”

He says before the rose ceremony to the camera that “I wanted to be the man to love her forever.  I’m worried she won’t be okay after today.” Before he hands out the roses, he says, “This week brings up bad memories for me.  I was blindsided by it. My worst fear is the same happens today. It kills me that I might break a heart. You all mean so much to me.” Lindsay blurts out “holy s**t.” Does Sean cuss? Is that very Christian behavior?

Anyway, Lindsay gets the first rose. After a long dramatic musical break, Sean announces that Catherine will be getting the second rose. AshLee is in complete shock and storms out of the ceremony. She doesn’t say her goodbyes to Lindsay or Catherine. Sean follows her out and she won’t even talk to him at first. He says, “I want you to know why I made this decision. It was the hardest decision. I think the world of you. I did not want to hurt you.” Still why he made the decision wasn’t clear? He should have said you were too intense and emotional for me. AshLee put him on a huge pedestal and he’d never be able to fulfill her expectations as her personal savior. In the car, she says that “this wasn’t a silly game to me… laughing and joking and having fun.” Why so serious? She says “I let him in and I loved him. I feel unhappy in my heart… the ultimate reject. I thought Sean was the one.” I really hope AshLee finds someone to love her because aside from her childhood she’s an amazing woman. She took down Tierra! As she drives away, Sean is sitting on a bench in the rain while Lindsay and Catherine watch.  Next week shall be interesting with Sean’s family weighing in on his decision.

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