The Bachelor Season 17: The Women Tell All Part 2
March 5, 2013 by Coco Liberty
Now to the cat fight we all have been waiting for! Tierra says that she just wanted to talk to AshLee and asked her if she told Sean anything about her. AshLee corrects her and says “You said is there anything you have to say to me. I didn’t and I don’t bully people. I take great offense to being called a liar. We all watched the show that didn’t happen.” Selma adds, “Tierra you came to her how did you get ganged up on?” Leslie also says that “I wouldn’t use the term bully. Tierra made her own bed and somebody needed to be tough.” Then Tierra backpedals and says “I want to say sorry for not being friends. I can work on my flaws. I didn’t know how to handle it. I guess I handled it wrong.” Not that I condone violence, but I’ve been watching too much Bad Girls Club and I really just wanted to see Tierra get slapped by AshLee for being so self-obsessed and a fake victim.
Oh we aren’t done yet! Chris Harrison asks Tierra about her “sparkle” and eyebrow! She says that her eyebrows have their own Twitter! OMG, shut up! Her father told her she had a sparkle and she has continued to believe this as an adult. How sad? Harrison asks about her engagement. Tierra is very vague yet admits it happened in January and she rekindled a previous relationship with a mystery man. Who really cares? I feel bad for this so-called mystery man!
Moving on to Sarah…ABC replays her heartbreak onscreen and includes a shot of present Sarah watching past Sarah. She tears up while watching it. Sarah was her most vulnerable with Sean and she thought he was the one. Her breakups happen the same way and she can’t help but think it’s because of her arm. She admits that this happens with a lot of other women and can find comfort in that. I hope that Sarah finds a guy, but at the same time why make that your primary focus? She’s a successful woman with or without a guy! Why be stuck in the 1950s? I understand though that with her story it’s more about her disability and feelings of limitation and not just over the fairy tale.
Most Women Tell Alls in Bachelor history involve a more open conversation amongst the girls, but ABC felt like pinpointing our “favorites” was a better idea. Honestly, I’m bored with Desiree and I’ll say it. She tries to defend her brother and that she was too much in her thoughts to be honest enough with Sean. Can’t she just say it didn’t work out and hey I’m happier that it didn’t! I think AshLee is the only one that can admit that.
Finally, the more entertaining part of the show: the showdown with AshLee and Sean! AshLee is still pissed about the break up and attacks Sean. The entire time he was saying how she was the front runner but he couldn’t find the laughter in her. I give him that. AshLee is very serious, but also she is the most mature and real person there. She has her own career, she knows what she wants, and she’s blunt. She tries to nail him on him saying that he has nothing in common with Catherine or Lindsay. Sean is shocked by this comment and tries to deny it. Nothing gets resolved so they move on to talking about Desiree. Sean says nothing but nice things about her and admits her brother was a very difficult situation. I feel like ABC glossed over the awkwardness between AshLee and didn’t let any of the other girls talk. I was disappointed that Leslie didn’t get to talk more and what about the other Leslie that was left heartbroken after the Pretty Woman date? Overall, nothing too scandalous came out. Do you even think Tierra’s ring was real? Yet again, not even reality TV is real.