Life & Style: Let’s Pretend Already-Thin Kate Middleton Has An Eating Disorder

August 11, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Another of this week’s ridiculous magazine covers focuses on Duchess Catherine of Cambridge/ Kate Middleton. Middleton covers Life & Style this week, because the magazine favours made-up stories about the royals to this week’s trend of made-up stories about Jennifer Aniston’s womb. Oh, and the Kardashians are busy in the last stages of wedding preparation/ fittings etc.. So there’s only so much differentiated gossip about them right now.

In any case, it’s been a few weeks since people needlessly fixated on this. So let’s give it another whirl. This time, Middleton’s “too thin” and there’s supposition about how she’s treated poorly by the Queen… as though Life & Style or any American tabloid has good/ credible sources inside the palace and as though any sources would have one clue how the Queen interacts with anybody. This week’s cover focuses on Middleton’s weight; down since the wedding, but not alarmingly-thin, and the reasons for her weight loss.

Life & Style’s cover goes with “Kate: Refusing To Eat…. Kate Can’t Stop Losing Weight.” Um, neither of those requires proof. See how that works?

She fills her days with “persistent exercise and calorie-counting” and often refuses to eat. “It’s a form of rebellion against the queen and other forces trying to take charge of her life.” Plus, she’s stressed! She’s under so much pressure: “Critiqued by the Queen,” “afraid of being kidnapped,” “children on the brain,” “scared for William’s life” and “isolated in Anglesey.” Seriously, it’s a wonder she hasn’t snapped and started walking the streets flipping the bird and wearing yoga pants. Anyhoo, the mag claims she’s “wasting away” with “jutting shoulder blades” and “minuscule waist” and “bony arms.” She’s been getting up early every morning to workout, her clothes are “hanging off her” and “William is concerned.” – via Jezebel.

The usual reason given for the supposition is concern for the royal womb that will gestate an heir. Ugh, really. She’s fine. It’s pretty much her job to be surgically-attached to her husband and birth a few kids. Okay, sure. There’s still no necessity this second. The higher-ups probably do want a baby now, but the couple could barely fit in a honeymoon after their wedding. How are they doing to shoehorn in a family?


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