Toddlers & Tiaras Mom Suing Media For “Sexualizing” Her Kid

January 27, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Somehow not naming herself in the same lawsuit, a mother from Toddlers & Tiaras is suing a bunch of blogs for their coverage of her daughter’s performance of LMFAO’s I’m Sexy & I Know It in an NYC club in the middle of the night.

Because that’s great parenting, as is having her daughter cast on an exploitative show about exploitative pageants that judge on sexuality (the hooker costume of Paisley Dickey, really?), Susanna Barrett is suing websites including, The Daily Mail, and The Huffington Post, for “brazenly attempt[ing] to sexualize” her daughter, Isabella Barrett, 5.

The lawsuit  claims the coverage has “thrust…false and vulgar characteristics on to Isabella [and as] a result, Isabella is now perceived sexually, erotically and pornographically.” The loss of a spin-off reality show and the loss of a jewellery line are counted toward the $30 million for which she’s suing.

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