Why Did Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Argue? Is Katie Holmes In Danger?

July 6, 2012 by Hollywoodite

There are some new reports on the divorce of Katie Holmes from Tom Cruise that has, incidentally, devolved in one week from a sneak attack met with contrition to mud slinging.

* Us Weekly reports that Holmes and Cruise “fought viciously” over Scientology parenting (ignore TMZ.com’s claim yesterday that the divorce had nothing to do with religion… that report almost read like pro-Sci propaganda). When the news of the divorce broke, RadarOnline.com’s sources said that parenting issues had become contentious: “Katie and Tom also have very different parenting views. Katie wants Suri to go to school with other children and have a grounded routine whereas Tom doesn’t, he wants her schooled in the same manner as Connor and Isabella were. Tom is nowhere near as strict as Katie is and doesn’t believe in disciplining Suri, whereas Katie believes that is important. Tom basically treats Suri as a little adult, however Katie treats her like a six-year-old child, and that causes some major clashes over parenting style.” One week later, Us Weekly sources are regurgitating this information: ”They fought over schools… [Katie] didn’t want [Suri] to have an exclusively Scientology education,” a source tells Us Weekly. Adding that, yes, Cruise and Holmes fought over a Scientology tenant in which children are not treated as such, nor mollycoddled, because children are actually “old souls” (“thetans”) in new bodies (explaining all those dinners in the middle of the night, birthdays in the company of adults, and very, very rarely, if ever, being photographed near another child). Moreover, the body is mostly inconsequential, according to doctrine, and the body will be shed when you live subsequent lives (they believe in reincarnation). Cruise was ”all-around overindulgent,” the Us source continues today, and “Katie struggled to be a disciplinarian.” Holmes stopped taking Scientology courses 18 months ago (she used to attend three-times-per-week) and now “[Katie] wants to be in charge of how Suri is being raised. ”

* Holmes’ parents are reportedly so afraid that the 33-year-old will be harmed or sequestered at the will of the church that Kathleen Holmes (née Stothers), and Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr., an attorney, are reportedly advised hourly of their daughter’s location. A source tells RadarOnline.com: “Katie’s father and mother are in constant communication with their daughter. They are being told what she is doing and where she is with Suri. One of Katie’s bodyguards is also calling her father throughout the day and night to inform him of Katie and Suri’s physical location and there is an electronic security log that Katie’s parents receive that is updated hourly. Katie is taking these extraordinary measures for obvious reasons. She knows now that in the eyes of Scientology she is the enemy. Her father advised her to spare no expense in hiring the best security team possible. Katie has no plans of living like a recluse, she is going out in public with Suri, just as she normally would, just with a few more bodyguards now.”

* The RadarOnline source continues about Holmes cleaning house of Scientology staff: “Katie’s past bodyguards were Scientologists and she just didn’t feel that she could trust them, so they were fired the day before she filed for divorce. Katie already had her new team in place and Suri was already in the new apartment when Katie told the old team their services were no longer going to be needed. Katie was at the apartment she shared with Tom and when she stepped out into the hallway she had four new bodyguards that took her downstairs, where she got into the car and drove off to her new life. It was very, very dramatic. Katie was incredibly strong throughout but she was obviously rattled. She walked in the door of her new apartment and was met by Suri who had been watched by at least four new bodyguards as well. It was something out of a movie and she knew there was no going back.”

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