Mama Drama’s Vanessa Thompson Rarely Showers: “In Europe, People Don’t Shower Ever Day”
I’ll start by saying I’m European and, actually, we obviously do shower every day. Where does that stereotype even come from?!?
In episode three of VH1′s Mama Drama reality show about mothers and daughters billeted together in Las Vegas, cast member Vanessa Thompson, 23, says she rarely showers.
She knows she’s “supposed to” shower every day. However, she only showered ONCE the first FOUR DAYS of living in the Mama Drama house despite sharing amenities like the pool with other people. She travelled to Las Vegas presumably from her native Seattle, Washington then she partied days one through four and only washed once. She admits this during casual conversation to the horror of twins Britney Scott and Whitney Scott, 22, although Gina DeAngelo, 24, also present, wasn’t so concerned.
Thompson asks DeAngelo: “Did you figure out how to use the shower?” Thompson continues: “I only showered once since I’ve been here… I only showered once since I’ve been here. It’s only been a couple days… I wash my face every day.” Asked whether she washes her privates every day, she asks “Are you supposed to? I didn’t know you were supposed to [wash your crotch every day]. Is that not normal? I don’t shower every [single] day. I should, ‘cos I was in the Jacuzzi and the pool yesterday. I know you’re supposed to [shower all over every single day].”
That’s when she says: “My family is a little bit European. And, in Europe, people don’t shower every day… I’m not like Pig Pen, from Charlie Brown, I just don’t think I need to shower every day.”
Asked whether or not she takes a Whore’s Bath (bathing one’s face, armpits and genitals in lieu of a proper wash), Thompson replies: “I never heard of a hoe bath… Oh, I get it.” In voice over, Thompson calls the twins “clean freaks,” adding “I don’t think it’s gross not showering. I don’t think I showered today, I’m fine.”
Asked whether she “slaps deodorant on top of the old deodorant?” Thompson replies “I guess.” Adding, “If I knew that it was weird, I wouldn’t have said anything.”
Get this… Thompson continues talking about the twins’ taking Whore Baths: “I don’t even want to use any of the towels anymore, ‘cos I don’t know if these girls have been using them for Ho Baths.” Later, she adds: “If I see a wash cloth laying around, I’ll never know if it was used for, like, a Ho Bath… It’s so gross. If I see, like, a wash cloth laying around, I’m totally going to think it was a Ho Bath leftover. And, so, I’m like scared of wash cloths now… Yeah, I use my hand.”
Later in the show, it comes up again when Thompson says she needs to wash her legs (only). She then clarifies, perhaps on a different day of filming, “I showered earlier today… took a full shower, head-to-toe.”