VIDEO James Deen CONFIRMS: Farrah Abraham Botched Plot To “Leak” Her Own Sex Tape

April 9, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Earlier today, sources told that Teen Mom Farrah Abraham originally plotted to leak her own sex tape that had been made with an ex-boyfriend and then throw him under the bus by lying about it being leaked as “revenge.” Except… she forgot to get the proper releases for commercial distribution so the tape was a no-go. Instead, she hired an actual adult star to film an actual adult tape and she apparently intended to lie about it being a regular sex tape that had been leaked. Except… she was caught by paparazzi getting tested for STDs with adult star James Deen, holding his hand, and standing around outside the headquarters of Vivid Entertainment before calling her time inside the building a “business meeting.”

And now Deen confirms Abrham’s web of lies came apart because she’s just not that good at this. Her original plan to leak her own tape fell through, and the re-shoot was exposed as contrived shortly thereafter.

Deen tells, “I think what happened is that [the porn company was] going to pass it off as a ‘sex tape’ and somebody saw us coming out of a building together and people asked me what’s going on … so I was like we’re making a porno!”

He adds, “Everybody’s trying to make it this story, but really [Farrah] wanted to make a sex tape.”

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