Video: Buckwild’s Salwa Amin Says She’s Innocent Of Felony Drug Possession Charges

February 12, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Buckwild’s Salwa Amin was arrested this weekend on felony charges of drug possession with intent to deliver.

Amin got caught when an informant provided the Central West Virginia Drug Task Force with the time and location of a drug delivery. Officers observed the scene and decided to execute the warrant on the property. Amin was found hiding on the property along with two males, one of whom told police Amin and the second male made the delivery together. Early reports claimed that three bags of heroin were found in the shed in which the suspects were hiding and local reports claim Oxycodone was found in Amin’s purse. reports, “According to the Nicholas County Magistrate Court, Salwa Amin will post $200,000 bond for two counts of drug possession with intent to deliver. One count for oxycodone, the other for heroin.”

Amin was booked early Monday into the Central Regional Jail.

Her mug shot(s) show her wearing a blue and red flannel shirt. It’s the same shirt she’s wearing in this video in which she proclaims her innocence: “These aren’t right,” she whines. “All these, um, things that I’ve been charged with are totally wrong. Um, the officers that came and searched me, they didn’t find anything on ME.” Again, local reports claim there were drugs in her purse.

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