VIDEO TMZ Releases “Black Baby” Video on YouTube: Is It Racist Or Is It Funny?

If you watch TMZ TV you’ll have seen the team blather on and oversell their original piece called Black Baby about the celebrity trend of, according to the video, using babies of different ethnicities as accessories.

It all started several months ago on episodes of TMZ Live and TMZ TV talking about a video they had put together that lampooned interracial adoption especially when the adoptees were from different countries.

At the time, some of the most recent examples included Charlize Theron and Sandra Bullock. Add to that Madonna and Angelina Jolie. According to a line in the video, it’s also a move to wipe out “white guilt.”

TMZ seemed pretty desperate to offend, and continued to oversell the piece’s offensiveness until its release celebrating the website’s two millionth Twitter follower.

They claimed they also released it because of “demand” but it’s really just because they kept teasing about it and overplaying their hand. For what it’s worth, it’s out there now. And it’s basically the same as all the other pieces (for example, on a recent episode of TMZ TV, one of the staffers mocked a disabled celebrity… supposedly not realising the guy was disabled but that isn’t the point).

The video description says “A few months back we produced a piece for TMZ on TV — Black Baby — that we didn’t air. It’s really funny, but we just weren’t sure.”

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