Vikram Chatwal a.k.a Lindsay Lohan’s Previous Boyfriend Has Been Arrested On Drug Charges

Besides their relationship in 2011, Vikram Chatwal and Lindsay Lohan now share legal charges as well.

Lohan was charged last month with violating her probation and mandated rehab lock down by the district attorney.  Chatwal, a multi-millionaire hotelier who is Lohan’s ex-boyfriend, has been detained in Florida for trafficking of drugs and possession.

According to and a police report, Chatwal admitted to cops that he illegally purchased and possessed the drugs. TMZ also reports that Lohan was arrested for a hit-and-run outside his hotel last year.

Chatwal honestly thought he’d make it through Ft Lauderdale airport with drugs in his pant pockets and underwear. How high do you think he would have to be to think he’d make it through security? I can’t even get through airport security with a bottle of lotion over 6 ounces and he thinks he’ll make it with drugs in his pants.

Chatwal is also 41-years-old and still up to drug shenanigans. In contrast, Lohan is in her last twenties and has just been sentenced to rehab. If she’s able to acknowledge her problems now then she’ll be able to avoid a future like Chatwal’s. Her recent trip to Brazil has provided evidence of drinking, possible drug usage, and sloppily hanging out under club tables, which suggests nothing will change.

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