Vivid Entertainment Botch Denial About Kris Jenner Staging Kim Kardashian Sex Tape
June 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Last week, it was alleged in purported text messages between Kris Humphries and ex-girlfriend Myla Sinanaj that Kris Jenner instructed Kim Kardashian to make a sex tape. Even more worrying, Jenner allegedly demanded a re-shoot of the tape when the first take wasn’t “pretty enough” for Jenner who sounds like she produced and directed and… watched the tapes.
The tape was leaked to and released by Vivid Entertainment, whom Kardashian sued only to settle for an undisclosed sum of money. Incidentally, Kardashian is lying when she claims the tape is on the market without her permission since that’s legal fallacy. Vivid does have permission to market and to distribute the tape, using Kardashian’s name and likeness or whatever, since there’s no other way for the tape to remain on the market.
In any case, Vivid executive Steve Hirsch attempted to clear up the rumours about the tape and how it leaked. As you can see from the beginning of this TMZ Live episode, Hirsch claims Jenner didn’t give him the tape even though he later admits he has no idea whom is the mystery third party responsible for the leak. So, obviously, it could have been Jenner or someone affiliated with Jenner. Hirsch cannot be sure. It gets more ridiculous from there, as TMZ’s hosts ask reductive ill-worded questions that allow for misdirected answers.
For example, presenter Charles asks whether Jenner was in Vivid’s editing room demanding a re-shoot, which obviously Hirsch denies. Because it was a dumb question, a really dumb question, in a series of dumb questions.
No one ever said that Jenner told Vivid to make their own edits. No one said Jenner sat in Vivid’s editing room. And no one said she told Vivid to produce the re-shoot. It was claimed that Jenner spearheaded the tape, the tape was re-shot at Jenner’s behest, and the tape was sold. All Hirsch knows about is the delivered product. Therefore, Hirsch has no place saying scenes “absolutely not” re-shot because that demand was made before Vidid became involved. Nor should Hirsch be commenting on any edits made before Vivid became involved.