Watch Lindsay Lohan’s Glee Comeback: Barely Three Minutes Screen Time
May 18, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Lindsay Lohan appeared on Glee during the latter of the Props/ Nationals episodes that aired Tuesday. Rather than going into any major spoilers for anyone who’s not yet seen the episode, and who doesn’t know who won nationals, this will only cover Lohan’s cameo.
The 25-year-old’s role was much-publicised. And, notes Washington Post’s Jen Chaney, “Honestly, I spent more minutes reading about how Lohan allegedly showed up late to the Glee set than I did actually watching her on Glee.” Which is so succinct, and so on the money, it bares repeating: if you watched Nationals, the second of the two-part two-hour special, yes, you’ve indubitably spent more time reading about her slacker, cracky shenanigans on-set than you did watching her on-screen.
Much was said about Lohan during filming. With leaks pouring in from cast and crew alike (including named, tertiary cast members). Apparently, Lohan was on time only once. Maybe twice. The rest of the multi-day shoot she was reportedly late. Between three hours late to six hours late, depending on which sources you believe. She was a “diva,” who demanded all the attention, she was distracting, and annoying, quickly earning the moniker “That Girl,” and sources suggest she didn’t even bother to learn her lines.
And for what? After all was said and done in the tabloids, and the spoiler photos from FOX released last week, Lohan had less than three-minutes of screen time. Three. Minutes. She couldn’t even pull it together for minutes on a children’s show. She slacked and she underwhelmed. How is she going to lead in Lifetime’s Liz & Dick biopic or the Woody Allen cameo she seems to be vying for? People are giving her chances but, as with the SNL cue card debacle, she’s failing to deliver.
Here’s the bulk of her Glee cameo. Sharing equal screentime with Perez Hilton and Rex Lee. Judge for yourself. Who did better?