Who Is Gossip Girl: Gossip Girl’s Final Episode Reveals Its Biggest Secret
This week’s episode of Gossip Girl is the final episode ever (and by “final episode” we can assume the CW will be doing a reboot in a few years with new characters or someone in the young cast will be getting a spin-off since that’s a lot of money and established audience to walk away from). During the episode, the titular character of “Gossip Girl” who’s only ever existed in voice over was revealed (Note: this post will contains SPOILERS).
There was a red herring in an earlier episode pretending that Georgina was Gossip Girl. However, she had only stolen the site from its real owner. And towards the end of this week’s episode there was another false reveal, with Kristen Bell (and Rachel Bilson) reading pretend scripts based on Gossip Girl’s antics with Bell doing the voice over (she really DOES do the voice over and she’s credited as such). But Bell wasn’t Gossip Girl, the writer, either.
It’s revealed through a series of flashbacks that Dan started Gossip Girl during high school, by imitating the speech patterns of the girls with whom he went to school, and started writing about the popular kids and himself. He wrote about the rich kids as aloof and spoiled, about himself as the underdog/ the outsider who was desperate to fit in, and about his kid sister losing her virginity (publishing it at her behest). The character spent nearly a decade writing what Serena called a “love letter… to all of us.”
And that was it; the reveal. Gossip Girl was… DAN!
The final scene involving the characters, including Eric and Jenny the latter of whom, played by Taylor Momsen, had been fired for being a bratty ingrate in real life, shows the second of two weddings (the first wedding was Chuck and Blair who married to invoke spousal privilege for reasons pertaining to his father’s suspicious death). It’s “five years later” and Chuck and Blair have remained married and appear to have immediately had a child (judging by the age of the little boy in the suit). The other wedding is between Dan and Serena, in a hideous gold wedding dress, marrying in the Waldorf apartment. The scene shows that Lily remained with her first husband, William (Billy Baldwin), following the death of Bart; Dan’s father moved on to another woman; Georgina moved on from the father of her child to Chuck’s uncle Jack (Desmond Harrington, also of Dexter fame).
In a final twist, towards the end of the final episode, another “Lonely Boy” whose face is never shown is seen eyeballing his wealthy peers who look down in disdain only to reveal a successor has replaced the original Gossip Girl. Since, not only did Dan hand over the gossip reigns to The Spectator ensuring Nate’s success, the Hydra that is gossip meant another website sprung up in its place.