If The Amish Mafia Is Real Why Haven’t Lebanon Levi & Crew Been Arrested For Their Crimes?
December 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Discovery’s panacea in the absence of Breaking Amish is its own look at Amish culture, Amish Mafia. What presents like a documentary, feels like a reality show, but is really just drama is still only on its third episode (episode four is on later tonight).
At its inception, Discovery was honest about Amish Mafia. Revealing it to be a series of “reenactments” in its own press release. Admitting “scenes are re-enacted to protect identities.” Discovery repeats this at the close of every episode, saying: “To protect participants and their family members, some identifying information and property has been changed… Recreations are based on eyewitness accounts… and the legends of the Amish Mafia.” Apparently admitting the acting and the nonexistence of the Amish Mafia. Even so, its obvious fake-ness seems to have escaped some of the three million viewers per episode.
In short although Discovery’s Amish Mafia purports, in concept and in title, to show illegal activity including intimidation, destruction of property, and racketeering, it’s being acted and staged at the behest of producers and no actual illegal activity is taking place.
For example, a report from August revealed that Lebanon Levi, real name Levi King Stoltzfus, took out insurance and warned locals before staging a fire for Discovery. Moreover, Stoltzfus is a volunteer firefighter and he was able to start and safely put out the fire with no harm done. Because it was staged carefully to make sure no one was hurt.