Report: Friends Worried X Factor Pressure Driving Demi Lovato To Relapse?

October 30, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This year’s X Factor took a big enough risk casting Britney Spears, whose mental health issues, drug issues, legal issues, and conservatorship, protracted her contract negotiations.

The show basically threw money at the 30-year-old, and included several permissive caveats in her contract in addition to paying over-the-odds. They wanted her, badly, even knowing she would be a risk. Although, the risk seems to be paying off. Everything’s working, for now, although, there are rumours of concern and even a delay on the live shows in case Spears cracks in front of the live audience again.

Producers doubled their risk by casting Demi Lovato as judge fresh out of rehab. Another Disney starlet with emotional issues who didn’t handle her child stardom that well. Who also used drugs to cope with the pressure. Spears had her conservatorship and got things back under control. Lovato went into rehab.

When Lovato got out of rehab, she insisted that she would not go back on television for a while because it would be too triggering for her eating disorder and not worth the risk. She said in April, “I need to be secure in my body before I go back in front of the camera. Anyone in recovery from an eating disorder would find that triggering, and I’m not ready.” That was a lie. She went right back onto television weeks after making that statement and now friends are reportedly worried that it’s too much too soon and she’s in danger or a relapse.

Fragile Demi Lovato’s friends and family are terrified that TV’s “Mr. Nasty,” Simon Cowell, is going to drive the former Disney cutie back to booze and drugs!

While the two have been engaging in playful banter since 20-year-old Demi joined The X Factor in May, sources say those close to her fear Simon is going to ramp up his cutting remarks as the season pro­gresses. And when he does, they’re worried she’ll crack!

Even Demi seems to be on to Simon’s caustic ways. “I always have my wall up when it comes to him,” she recently said. “I’m like, ‘You’re nice right now… but I know what’s coming.’”

The chart-topping singer and for­mer star of Disney’s Sonny with a Chance has admitted she was the victim of bullying in middle school… and [she] says she thinks it’s part of the reason she’s struggled with eating disorders, cutting, and addictions to drugs and alcohol.

She finally went through rehab two years ago when she realized she’d hit rock bottom, after getting into a brawl with a dancer while touring with the Jonas Brothers.

Meanwhile, Simon earned his “Mr. Nasty” nickname for the way he berated contestants AND his co-workers, including Paula Abdul, during his run on American Idol and now The X Factor. In fact, Paula has said his cruel on-air re­marks sometimes affected her long after the cameras stopped rolling. “He’s a bully, he’s a masterful bul­ly,” she said in an interview. “The first day I went to work on Season one, I quit seven times.”

The biggest problem, says the source, is Simon’s penchant for rec­ognizing people’s weaknesses, then using those frailties against them.

“Demi seems tough, but she still struggles with personal issues,” added the source. “If Simon starts making remarks about her drink­ing and drugging past, it will drive her over the edge for sure.” – via National Enquirer.

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